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Acne Treatment – What is the “Acne No More” System?
Are you dealing with acne? Put an end to it today and start taking care of your complexion to not just look good but to feel great too!
Learn about a clinically proven step-by-step natural and holistic system which will totally eradicate your condition and cure your acne.
Permanently cure your condition, end the breakouts, regain a natural balance and have the lasting clear condition which you deserve.
Over 987,000 people worldwide have used this system to eliminate their condition and gain the clear complexion they had been desiring.
It is a 220 page book on acne treatment which was developed by Mike Walden who, himself, had to deal with this condition.
Does This Sound Interesting? Get it Right Here!
With Acne No More you will be able learn about how to achieve the following:
- Permanently clear your complexion within 2 months.
- End breakouts, begin seeing the results in 7 days
- Eliminate oiliness, redness and blackheads.
- Remove marks and scars.
- Regain your self esteem by looking better and feeling better.
- Feel lighter, healthier and more energetic.
- Your general health will improve.
- Totally improve the quality of your life
- Cure acne
- Learn of acne causes
What is Acne?
Acne is a common skin condition which occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It typically presents as pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and sometimes deeper cysts or nodules. Acne can affect people of all ages, but it is most commonly associated with adolescence due to hormonal changes during puberty
Acne develops when hair follicles become blocked with sebum (oil) produced by the sebaceous glands, along with dead skin cells. This creates an environment where bacteria can thrive, leading to inflammation and the formation of acne lesions.
Taking Care of Your Complexion
Acne can severely impact your skin complexion. This could result in an uneven skin texture; it may cause bumps, pustules and cysts on the skin.
Acne can cause redness and inflammation. Inflamed acne lesions will appear red and swollen. This also adds to the texture of the skin being uneven.
Redness and inflammation are very common symptoms of acne especially during the times when the acne is more active.
The redness and inflammation can occur due to the body’s immune response to the presence of bacteria, it can also be caused by the presence of excessive oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores.
The inflammation can be in the form of papules which are small, red inflamed bumps on the skin, it can be in the form of pustules which are inflamed legions filled with pus, it can be in the form of nodules which are large painful solid lumps beneath the skin or it can be in the form of cysts which are deep, inflamed pus-filled legions.
Inflammation due to acne can be treated with topical treatments that are available Over-the-Counter. These topical treatments contain ingredients like, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids and more.
In severe cases oral medications may be required, such as antibiotics or hormonal treatments. These kinds of medications can be prescribed by a dermatologist or doctor.
Avoiding piking, squeezing and agitating the acne breakouts; this can make the acne breakouts worse, increase the rick of scarring and it may spread the bacteria.
Keep in mind it is good to hydrate; this helps the skin stay clear and it is good for your health in general.
After an acne lesion heals it may leave behind a lesion. This is called hyper-pigmentation. This hyper-pigmentation may appear as dark spots or patches. This can affect your skins complexion.
Hyper-pigmentation occurs when the inflammation from acne triggers the skin to produce too much melanin which results in dark spots being left behind on the skin. These spots can be big or small, they vary in colour and intensity
This kind of hyper-pigmentation can be avoided by trying to prevent acne breakouts. This is where a good skincare regime is important as well as trying to avoid picking at and agitating the acne breakouts.
Hyperpigmentaion as a result of acne can be treated with topical treatments. These topical treatments include ingredients like retinoids, vitamin C and much more.
Hyperpigmentation can also be treated with microdermabrasion. This is a process of gently exfoliating the outside layer of the skin to reduce hyperpigmentation.
Laser therapy can also be used to target hyperpigmentation areas to break up the melanin.
Severe acne can result in scarring. Acne scars are the result of severe acne. There are a number of different kinds of acne scars.
Ice pick scars are the kind of scars which are deep and narrow and extend deeply into the skin. These scares appear as small deep holes in the skin.
Boxcar scars are wider depressions with sharplet defined edges. These make the skin look very pitted
Hypertrophic scars are raised , firm scars that develop when the body produces too much collagen during the healing process.
Scars can be treated by some topical treatments that may contain retinoids. Thye will help improve the appearance of the scar over time.
Scare can also be treated by microneedling; this involves using device wth a very fine needle that punctures the skin and stimulates collagen production.
Laser treatments can target specific areas of the skin that will improve texture and tone therefore improving the appearance of scars.
It is important to take care of your complexion not just to look good, but to feel good. It’s known that if you look good on the outside you’ll feel good on the inside. Also it will contribute toward your health overall.
We all know that your diet is hugely important in taking care of your skin. The saying “You are what you eat” holds true; if you eat junk-food you will feel bad and probably be low on energy too since junk-food will not fuel your body. Take care to consume all of the right foods in taking care of your complexion.
Eat plenty of leafy vegetables like spinach and cabbage. Other great foods include things like carrots and apricots.
Include Vitamin C in your diet. You will easily be able to get vitamin C supplements at your local pharmacy.
There are a lot of great lotions and body rubs you can use to take care of your skin and your body. Some of the best include Aloe Vera; it is known to be a great lotion and also works very well on sun-burn if you get sun-burned over the summer months.
A lot of great lotions will hydrate your skin and keep it firm and youthful.
Avoid smoking!! Smoking is not just detrimental to your lungs, but it affects your entire body!! Smoking will make you look aged, may cause lines and wrinkles and will make you look worn out. The advice to avoid smoking is really common knowledge, and if you smoke you should aim to quit right away.
Consult your doctor for help to quit smoking, there are a lot of health professionals who will be able to help you every step of the way!
Another good habit to get into to maintain your skin and its health is double cleansing; you should double-cleanse you skin every morning and night. You can use a good exfoliating lotion to rub away your dead skin and keep you looking and feeling great.
This should be a part on your daily routine to keep you skin healthy.
As you can see there are a lot of great ways to take care of your skin as you can see here.
Pimples, Blackheads, Whiteheads and Abscesses
Pimples are one of the most common results of acne. They are generally appearing as red bumps on the skin often with a white or yellowish center of pus. Pimples can vary in size and severity.
Acne pimples can appear on the face, neck, back shoulder or on other areas where there is a high number of oil gland.
Pimples can be treated by OTC treatments, oral medications in severe cases or by diet and lifestyle changes.
A pimple is just a spot on the skin that may result from excess dead skin and sebum (an oily and waxy substance from a gland in a hair follicle) that gets trapped in the pores of the skin. If a pimple is left untreated it may evolve into something more aggressive such as a pustule or papules.
Pimples result when the shedding of skin (which happens naturally) is left behind with oily sebum which then bond together and form a blockage. This happens a lot during puberty when the skin becomes thicker. What happens is that the sebaceous gland continues to produce sebum behind a clogged pore resulting in a pimple. Bacteria may then grow behind the pimple and make the pimple grow larger.
Pimples may also be caused by changes in hormone level, certain hair and skin products, side effects from various medication and family history
A blackhead is a clogged hair follicle in the skin. A blackhead will result when dead skin combines with oil to block a pore. A blackhead has an open head whereas a whitehead is covered by skin.
A blackhead or whitehead can occur with or without acne.
Blackheads and whiteheads can also occur as a chronic and inflammatory condition with inflamed pustules, papules and pimples; this is called acne.
Blackheads and whiteheads are usually caused by oil production in the sebaceous glands that increase during puberty. It is common for acne to develop during puberty along with blackheads and whiteheads.
Blackheads and whiteheads can sometimes be caused by some skincare products that block the pores, which then allows sebum to build up.
Touching, picking and squeezing at blackheads and whiteheads may aggravate them and cause irritation and cause infection to spread.
Consistency is key when it comes to managing blackheads. While they may be persistent, with the right skincare routine and treatment approach, you can effectively minimize their appearance and prevent future breakouts. If over-the-counter treatments don’t provide satisfactory results, consulting a dermatologist for personalized advice and treatment options is recommended
An abscess is a collection of pus that has built up in a sack in the tissue of the body. An abscess is usually red inflamed skin that is also painful and has swelling. An abscess can occur in any kind of tissue, but usually occurs in the skin surface in which case it’s known as a boil. An internal abscess can be difficult to identify, but usually cause pain in the area and a high temperature.
Abscesses are usually caused by a bacterial infection in which dead bacteria has built up to create pus. An abscess may need antibiotic treatment and can also be treated by cutting it open and draining it.
Aggressive Acne
Some people may suffer from particularly aggressive acne. This is referred to as severe acne or cystic acne.
Cystic acne is characterized by large, deep, inflamed legions which include a lot of nodules or cysts.
Cystic acne can huge a huge impact on the person who suffers from it. It may impact their appearance, they may be particularly self-conscious therefore affecting their self-esteem and the quality of their life.
Aggressive acne is more likely to leave scars behind. They are more likely to scar due to how large and deep the legions are. It is very important that severe acne be treated properly to avoid scarring.
Aggressive acne can affect any part of the body as normal acne would but it is more but may be more prevalent where sebaceous glands are.
It’s essential for individuals with aggressive acne to seek professional guidance from a dermatologist or healthcare provider. Tailored treatment plans can address specific acne concerns, minimize scarring, and improve the overall appearance and well-being of the skin. Early intervention and consistent management are key to effectively managing aggressive acne.
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Some Useful Links
A Great Blog – https://www.facingacne.com/blog/